Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Fountainhead: Peter Keating: 11

"Howard Roark, Architect" is stenciled on the glass door of a newly opened office in New York. (Sure, Roark was expelled from school, but he's working on getting his license.) Snyte had tried to retract his firing; he wants Roark back, along with the Heller commission. Roark: No, thanks.

Keating comes to visit. Keating: Congrats! You'll be joining the A.G.A.? Roark: I'm not a joiner.

Roark visits Cameron in New Jersey the day after signing the Heller contract. Roark: I'm opening an office! I have a house to build! Cameron: Cool! You will change the world! Prepare for The Persecution!

Roark visits the cliff-top site where the Heller house is going up. Hey look! One of my builders is Mike! Mike: You are indecently happy, Red.

Heller visits the construction site and is amazed. Look at how wonderfully logical and functional everything is! Your design is very considerate of me! Roark: Wasn't thinking of you. Was thinking of the house.

Roark is Heller's bestest friend, ever.

The Heller house is completed in November of 1926. The following year, it is mentioned by exactly none of the "best house of the year" surveys. The neighbors giggle at the house. In the padded comfort of the private rooms of the Architects' Guild of America, the poobahs occasionally discuss the house. Holcombe calls it a disgrace. Snyte thinks it makes all architects look crazy. Prescott thinks it's funny-looking. Pettigill and Francon expect it to fall apart. Keating says, now, now, Roark has gone a little haywire here, but he's a great fellow.

Toohey withholds comment.

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