Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Fountainhead: Howard Roark: 14

Toohey visits Keating, who has refused to talk to the press since Roark's arrest. Toohey: So you think you can help Roark by being silent? I can make you talk. Who designed Cortlandt Homes? Keating: I did. Toohey: Let me be clear. My goal is to send Roark to prison, where he'll have to obey other people's orders for the first time in his life. It'll destroy him. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Keating: Eek! Toohey: Now—who designed Cortlandt Homes?

Keating pulls his copy of the agreement with Roark out of a dresser drawer and hands it to Toohey. Toohey: Excellent! And just in time for my six-page monologue!

And Toohey explains himself. He is out for power; he wants to rule the world. That's why he promotes altruism—because no one can be perfectly altruistic, and people will feel rotten about themselves when they fail to be selfless. And that's why he promotes mediocre people—so people will lose a sense of what is truly great. That's why he teaches people to laugh at everything—so nothing will be sacred. Don't let people be happy; take away what fulfills them. Urge people to ignore reason and try to intuit things; non-thinking people are easier to rule. Promote collectivism and deny the individual! That will kill men's souls. Ha! Now you know me in all my delicious evilness, but you will continue to obey me because you've been stripped of your ideals, and there's nothing else to do.

Man, I'd hate it if someone visited my home and talked like that.

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